Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

get smth

  • 1 get smth. into high gear

    (get smth. into high (или top) gear)
    пустить что-л. на полный ход [этим. тех. включить высокую передачу]

    As I cleaned and painted the shop I made my plans. I would keep it a secret from Terry and Ann until I could get the business into top gear, then I'd tell them. (D. Cusack, ‘Caddie, A Sydney Barmaid’, ch. XXXII) — я чистила и красила лавчонку и строила планы на будущее. я ничего не скажу Терри и Энн, пока не пущу дело на полный ход.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. into high gear

  • 2 get smth. down cold

    амер.; жарг.
    (get smth. down cold (или pat))
    тщательно подготовить что-л.; знать что-л. назубок

    I've got Rome down cold in my notes and snapshots... (S. Lewis, ‘World So Wide’, ch. 15) — я запечатлел Рим в записях и фотоснимках...

    ‘You've got it all down pat, haven't you!’ said Yates. (S. Heym, ‘The Crusaders’, book I, ch. 9) — - Не сомневаюсь, ваше донесение уже заготовлено, - сказал Йейтс.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. down cold

  • 3 get smth. to rights

    (get (put или set) smth. to rights)
    приводить что-л. в порядок, в должный вид, навести порядок в чём-л.; убирать (комнату, квартиру и т. п.)

    To much confabulation succeeded a sound of scrubbing and setting to rights... (Ch. Brontë, ‘Jane Eyre’, ch. XVI) — К этим громким голосам примешался еще шум уборки...

    Everything was in an awful mess, ‘I'll get the place to rights generally,’ she apologized. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Coonardoo’, ch. XV) — Все было в ужасном беспорядке. - Обычно я держу кухню в чистоте, - извинилась она.

    ...two or three times a week she took her mother's place in looking after Annixter's house, making the beds, putting his room to rights, bringing his meals from the kitchen. (Fr. Norris, ‘The Octopus’, book I, ch. II) —...два-три раза в неделю Хилма присматривала за домом Анникстера, заменяя свою мать, - убирала его комнату, постель и приносила ему обед.

    I... told Wellington that a good polish with a leather would set it to rights, and Mrs. Ashley would think the saddle had come down from London yesterday. (D. du Maurier, ‘My Cousin Rachel’, ch. IX) — Я: ". сказал Веллингтону, что если хорошенько почистить седло куском кожи, то оно будет как новое и миссис Эшли подумает, что его вчера прислали из Лондона."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. to rights

  • 4 get smth. across the footlights

    (get (или put) smth. across the footlights)
    донести до зрительного зала, обеспечить постановке успех, признание публики

    I am rather curious to see it on the boards... and I want to see how much of it they succeed in getting across the footlights. (B. Shaw, ‘Collected Letters’, Letter of June 11, 1894) — Мне любопытно посмотреть эту комедию на сцене... Хотелось бы узнать, какие места пьесы понравятся публике.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. across the footlights

  • 5 get smth. off one's chest

    чистосердечно сознаться, признаться в чём-л., облегчить душу; всё выложить, высказаться до конца, начистоту

    Bernard: "There's just one thing I want to get off my chest and then I needn't refer to it again. I am just as madly in love with you as I was when I asked you to marry me fifteen years ago." (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Constant Wife’, act 1) — Бернард: "Мне бы хотелось признаться в одном, чтобы потом уж больше не говорить об этом. Я так же безумно влюблен в вас, как и пятнадцать лет тому назад, когда я сделал вам предложение."

    ‘No, go on, Professor,’ Daisy told him. ‘Get it off your chest.’ (J. B. Priestley, ‘Let the People Sing’, ch. XII) — - Ничего, продолжайте, профессор, - сказала Дейзи. - Надо же вам высказаться.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. off one's chest

  • 6 get smth. off one's chest

       чиcтocepдeчнo coзнaтьcя, пpизнaтьcя в чём-л.; вcё вылoжить, выcкaзaтьcя дo кoнцa, нaчиcтoту; oблeгчить душу
        Bernard. There's just one thing I want to get off my chest and then I needn't refer to it again. I am just as madly in love with you as I was when I asked you to marry me fifteen years ago (W. S. Maugham). But go ahead and tell me all. Get it off your chest. I knew something was wrong. It's not like you to go off without keeping me informed (E. Caldwell)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. off one's chest

  • 7 get smth. off the ground

       уcпeшнo нaчaть чтo-л.; cм. тж. get off the ground
        It took Robbins six years to get this $4 million movie off the ground. It will probably open in August (Newsweek)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. off the ground

  • 8 get smth. out of the way

       oтдeлaтьcя, избaвитьcя oт чeгo-л.; пocкopee зaкoнчить чтo-л.
        I've some reports which I ought to write. I'd be glad to get them out of the way (D. Francis). 'So you began running and they stopped you,' interrupted Jason, anxious to get the nonessentials out of the way (R. Ludlum)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. out of the way

  • 9 get smth. across the footlights

       дoнecти дo зpитeльнoгo зaлa, oбecпeчить пocтaнoвкe уcпex, пpизнaниe публики
        I am rather curious to see it [кoмeдия] on the boards... and I want to see how much of it they succeed in getting across the footlight (G. B. Shaw)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. across the footlights

  • 10 get [smth] on the right track

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get [smth] on the right track

  • 11 get smth. off one's conscience

    If only he could borrow a pound or two, a quid from Brownie, a quid from someone else, make things straight at the office, get them off his conscience, and give his notice. (R. Greenwood, ‘The Squad Goes Out’, ch. IV) — Если бы ему удалось одолжить фунт или два - фунт у Брауни, фунт еще у кого-нибудь, - то он уладил бы дела на работе, совесть у него была бы чиста и он мог заявить о своем уходе.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. off one's conscience

  • 12 get smth. out of one's blood

    забыть о чём-л., отрешиться от чего-л.; ≈ выбросить что-л. из головы

    When Tom moved to the city, he couldn't get the country out of his blood. (DAI) — Когда Том переехал в город, он никак не мог забыть свой родной край.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. out of one's blood

  • 13 get smth. off one's hands

       см. get smb. off one's hands

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. off one's hands

  • 14 get smth. out of one's head

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. out of one's head

  • 15 get smth. out of one's system

       см. get smb. out of one's system

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get smth. out of one's system

  • 16 get (smth) down

    Идиоматическое выражение: овладеть, усвоить

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smth) down

  • 17 get (smth) for a song

    Общая лексика: купить недорого, получить что-то почти даром

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smth) for a song

  • 18 get (smth.) afloat

    Макаров: пустить в ход, снять с мели

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smth.) afloat

  • 19 get (smth.) by a long reach

    Макаров: с трудом дотянуться до (чего-л.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smth.) by a long reach

  • 20 get (smth.) by a lucky hit

    Макаров: получить (что-л.) благодаря счастливому случаю

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smth.) by a lucky hit

См. также в других словарях:

  • get\ smth\ in — • get smth in • get into one s head See: get in(II) …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get smth right — (from Idioms in Speech) to understand a matter thoroughly or clearly so that no misunderstanding is possible Look. You ve got it all wrong, said Walter. (J. Wain) You ve got it all wrong, if you think I don t want a decent place to live in as… …   Idioms and examples

  • get smth wrong — (from Idioms in Speech) not to understand a matter clearly so that misunderstanding is possible (from Idioms in Speech) See: get smth right …   Idioms and examples

  • get\ smth\ straight — v. phr. To clearly comprehend an issue. Let me get this straight, Burt said. You want $85,000 for this miserable shack? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get smth over with — finish, end He wants to get his exams over with so that he can begin to relax again …   Idioms and examples

  • get\ smth\ out\ of\ one's\ system — v. phr. 1. To eliminate some food item or drug from one s body. John will feel much better once he gets the addictive sleeping pills out of his system. 2. To free oneself of yearning for something in order to liberate oneself from an unwanted… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get\ smth\ over\ with — See: over with(1) …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get\ into\ one's\ head — • get smth in • get into one s head See: get in(II) …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get\ it — I. v 1. See: catch it 2. To understand; comprehend; grasp. I can t get it, John said. Why do you spend so much on clothes. II. v. phr. • get smth in • get into one s head To become possessed of an idea; develop a fixed idea. Jack got it into his… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get\ the\ best\ of — • get the better of • get the best of v. phr. 1. To win over, beat; defeat. Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter. George got the better of Robert in a game of checkers. When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get\ the\ better\ of — • get the better of • get the best of v. phr. 1. To win over, beat; defeat. Our team got the best of the visitors in the last quarter. George got the better of Robert in a game of checkers. When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger …   Словарь американских идиом

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